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Many New Features, This One, How To Search/Filter Videos, Images & Anything Using # In The Forum.

Updated: May 17, 2023

By using Cash Richard social™, you are legally accepting our Terms of Service (TOS) and all other site/app policies. Learn more here. You agree to abide by all our policies, even without an account or being signed in. We aim to create the best, free, open, and fun community on all our social media services, primarily our forum main/main social media service/service. So help us out by spreading the word and getting active here!

🔗 Use hashtags "#" to categorize your po$t$™, indicating if they contain special items such as videos, podcasts, images, or if you're reposting the po$t™. By using hashtags like that, you express that you liked the po$t™, and are repo$ting™ it. You can use hashtags for anything, but our new system emphasizes categories like news, breaking news, and journalist communication. For example: #video #news #journalist. Include hashtags in the title of your post to enable others to engage with our social media services. However, if you're reposting, you can use hashtags in the comments, such as #repost or #reposted. Please avoid reusing hashtags, except for the ones related to repo$t$™/reposts.

Additionally, use hashtags "#" for location searches, such as state, country, city, or town. First, make sure to fill out the locations field in your public profile/account to connect with people using location-based searches. For instance, use hashtags like #Chicago, #Chicagoillinois, #America. Refer to the instructions above for a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively use hashtags. For more information, check out our blog post at: 🔗

This is the new the new system for sorting, and mostly for videos and images/also files but whatever you want on the forum main/1 search and pages/page etc. Go check it out, po$t/post, and use it so more pop up with the # hashtag search!

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Cash Richard
Cash Richard
May 13, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Updated just now, sorry. Big site update about to roll out/publish that's also why, so we revised this/it, and fixed it to be even better!

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