Disable Scrollbar Example How To Contact Us/Cash Richard About A Deceased Family Member's Account Or Friend Etc.Cash Richard 2023-04-26T14:23:36.037Z Po$t
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How To Contact Us/Cash Richard About A Deceased Family Member's Account Or Friend Etc.

Deceased User In the event of the death of a Cash Richard/and or Cash Richard social, and all other sub names, logos, and services and devices/apps websites and site versions etc., user, we can work with a person authorized to act on behalf of the estate, or with a verified immediate family member of the deceased to have an account deactivated. Request the removal of a deceased user's account. After you submit your request, we will email you with instructions for providing more details, including information about the deceased, a copy of your ID, and a copy of the deceased’s death certificate. This is a necessary step to prevent false and/or unauthorized reports. Be assured that this information will remain confidential and will be removed once we've reviewed it.

Note: We are unable to provide account access to anyone regardless of their relationship to the deceased.

Incapacitated User In the event a Cash Richard/and or Cash Richard social, and all other sub names, logos, and services and devices/apps websites and site versions etc., user is incapacitated, due to medical or other reasons, we can work with a person authorized to act on the behalf of the user to have an account deactivated. Request the removal of an incapacitated user's account. After you submit your request, we will email you with instructions for providing more details, including information about the user, a copy of your ID, a copy of the account holder’s ID, and a copy of a Power of Attorney authorizing you to act on the account holder’s behalf. This is a necessary step to prevent false and/or unauthorized reports. Be assured that this information will remain confidential and will be deleted once we've reviewed it.

For celebrity's, known creators and or people on the site and especially known verified people on the social media site/app services and profile public profile and account/members area, we will automatically take these steps, and or review request you have submitted, to see if there is internet trough etc., usually we only listen to the steps above like family member, id, and internet truth etc. Not random user reports.

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