Disable Scrollbar Example Advertised/Pinned Posts/Po$t$ Information, And Legal. The Advertised Po$t$ Your Viewing, & Policy.Cash Richard 2023-06-03T20:27:06.763Z Po$t
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Advertised/Pinned Posts/Po$t$ Information, And Legal. The Advertised Po$t$ Your Viewing, & Policy.

While posts/po$t$ mostly on the forum main/main service/everything service with us etc., and in general, promoted through Cash Richard Socials advertising services are labeled as “Promoted” and must abide by our Cash Richard/Social Ads Policies, organic, non-promoted po$t$ may also be considered paid product placements, endorsements, or advertisements (“Paid Partnerships”). The following are examples of Paid Partnerships:

  • A user, including a creator or brand, has been or may be compensated for a po$t (including in the form of money, gifts, loans of products, or other rewards or incentives), or

  • A po$t is created as part of, or in connection with, a commercial relationship (such as a current or recent ‘brand ambassador’ arrangement), or

  • A po$t includes an affiliate link or discount code through which the user might receive some kind of benefit, incentive or reward

Posts/po$t$ that are part of a Paid Partnership posted as an organic po$t will require clear and prominent disclosures indicating the commercial nature of such content. For example, “#ad”, “#paidpartnership”, “#sponsored”. Failure to include an appropriate disclosure in a clear and prominent way could result in enforcement actions. In addition to abiding by the Twitter Rules, users, including creators and brands, that participate in Paid Partnerships are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to, all advertising laws and, where applicable, FTC regulations including the FTC’s Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. The rules and guidance that apply to Paid Partnerships may vary country to country, and can change, so check that you are following all the latest rules and guidance in the relevant country.

The following also applies to the United Kingdom: Creators should include all applicable disclosures that are required to indicate the commercial nature of their content, such as ‘#ad’. Remember that all po$t$ with commercial intent, including own-brand po$t$ created by a user who has a commercial interest in the relevant brand (for example, as a director) will require a disclosure. Failure to include an appropriate disclosure, as mentioned in the global section above, in a clear and prominent way could result in enforcement actions. Creators may also check the Influencers' Guide to Making Clear that Ads are Ads as provided by Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) and the Competition & Markets Authority (CMA). Users who believe they have viewed a Paid Partnership which does not include an appropriate disclosure, may report their concerns directly to the relevant brand or to an appropriate regulatory authority, such as the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

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